Crossbow Safety & Security

Before you even own your very first crossbow it’s important to be aware of the safety and security precaution. Every time you hold your crossbow, you should make sure that you follow these. These are here because accidents have happened and they aren’t always something you could just brush off of your shoulders. Crossbows are a serious thing so let’s make sure that we know how to keep ourselves and people around us as safe as we can by knowing and following the precautions. If you have no idea what we’re talking about, read on to learn more about crossbow safety and security. We’ve also compiled the best youth crossbow.

Cocking & Arrow Seating Safety

One of the first thing you would want to make sure of is that your foot is placed firmly inside your stirrup as you cock your crossbow. If you don’t do this, your crossbow would slip from under your foot as you cock it. This could lead you to hitting your face with a lot of force. Then you have to make sure that when you cock your crossbow, whether you do it with a rope aid or manually, you hold the strings at the same distance on both sides of the stock. If you fail to do this, your crossbow won’t be cocked evenly which is dangerous and would affect your accuracy as you shoot. Don’t ever hang your rope cocking air on your neck because the other end could get stuck accidentally and if you don’t notice that as you shoot, the other end would cause you so much damage. Always make sure the rope is on the ground, or in any other place where it would not be in contact with the crossbow. Always make sure that you check the nock carefully before you seat an arrow to make sure there are no breakage or sign of wear. If the nock is not in good shape, make sure to dispose of it right away. Always make sure to set the safety to ON as you cock your weapon if your crossbow doesn’t have an automated anti-dry fire safety. Also do this before removing your stirrup to avoid accidents. You have a manual for a reason, some people disregard this but it’s important to make sure you are familiar with the safety recommendations of your manufacturer, especially the ones about the proper way of cocking, to de-cock it, to load, and the proper grip safety. You may also see this for Hunting Seat Cushion.

Target Shooting Crossbow Safety

Just like with guns, never point your crossbow to anyone or anything you don’t want to fire at, even when there’s no arrow seated. Always make sure that you don’t hold your crossbow around the trigger to avoid accidents. At times when your crossbow is cocked and an arrow is seated, make sure to never place your weapon on the ground because the trigger could accidentally engage. So, if you want to rest your crossbow, make sure to manually de-cock your weapon and remove the arrow. Dry fire shooting is shooting without an arrow, never do it because it would generate a lot of vibration in your crossbows limbs and damage it, this would also void your manufacturer’s warranty. This is also one of the reasons for strings and the mount between the stock and prod to not last long. Find the perfect Reverse Limb Crossbow money can buy. Make sure that your fingers is always beneath your stock as you shoot and also make sure that no part of your body is in the way of the string. Every time you will have a shooting session, make sure you inspect it. Look for arrow bending or splintering, bowstring serving separation, twists and cracks on the limbs of your crossbow, loose bolts, and the like. The only time your safety trigger should not be ON is when you’re about to take your shot. If there’s anyone in front, at the sides, or behind your target DO NOT shoot. Make sure that you have no one in your line of sight s you shoot. As you shoot a target, make sure that there’s a stop positioned at the back of it just in case it passes right through the target or it misses. As you remove the arrows from your target, make sure that you check and make sure that your arrows aren’t damaged. It’s fun to be able to shoot at an inch arrow groups from 20 to 40 yards away but this would increase the chances of your arrow to be damaged.

Hunting Crossbow Safety

Basically all of the things we have talked about above, should be applied with hunting crossbows as well, the difference is there’s a lot more to add. When you are on a tree stand, never remove your safety harness. To move your crossbow up or down from a tree stand, always use a haul line and make sure that it’s not attached near the trigger. Also make sure that your crossbow is already unloaded. Make sure that your strings, or cables don’t touch the ground and no branches or twigs restrict your from moving. It’s wrong and you should never climb a tree stand or any platform with your crossbow hanging on your shoulders. As you position on your tree stand, before you pull the trigger, make sure nothing is restricting your movement and the movement of your limbs. Keep in mind that when you fire and pull the trigger, the limbs would go forward with so much force and if it hits a branch on its way, it would create great kickback and knock you off of the tree stand, and damage your crossbow. A common accident that happens is accidentally getting cut by the arrowheads, make sure that it’s always in the quiver to avoid this. When attaching or detaching your broadheads from the shaft, make sure you always use a broadhead wrench. Try this high durable Carbon Knight Bow with a very aggressive appearance.


You might think that crossbow safety and security is something that’s common sense and there’s no need to read about it but that’s wrong. Crossbows are dangerous and life threatening so it’s important to read as much as possible to make sure accidents won’t happen. Enjoy hunting by using this Best Crossbow Bolts. We have everything you need to know covered here, we hope you keep these in mind and have a safe trip!

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